Lifestyle habits to start doing in your 20s (or any age, really!)

If you’re looking to set yourself up for success and achieve a healthy lifestyle, there are things you can add to your daily routine that will make all the difference.

Here are five lifestyle habits to start doing in your 20s (or any age!)

1. Find exercise you actually enjoy doing

Sure, you can follow someone else’s exercise program and hate it, but ideally it would be better to find exercise that you enjoy and can sustain long term

If you’re unsure, try experimenting with different forms of exercise, such as:

  • Weight training at a gym

  • Pilates

  • Sports

  • Hiking, skiing, snowboarding

  • Running, swimming

Maybe you’ll realize that you really enjoy exercising outdoors. Maybe you’ll realize you like to mix things up throughout the week. Or maybe, you really like following a workout program at the gym.

Whatever it is, you’re more likely to stick to living an active lifestyle when you actually enjoy what you do, the activity you’re doing is accessible and affordable, and it makes you feel good both physically and mentally.

2. Get quality sleep

Sleep is crucial to our health and so many people aren’t getting enough

Our culture has treated sleep as some form of luxury, when it is a necessary component of good health

It’s important for cell repair, brain function – including forming memories, giving your gut rest, and so many other functions

And not getting enough sleep is linked to many health problems, such as heart disease, obesity, certain types of cancer, gut issues, mental health disorders, and so on

Now, I understand we all have a different 24 hours and you may not be able to get in 8-9 hours a night. But ideally, try to set yourself up to get quality sleep

How do you do this?

  • Practicing sleep hygiene – the practice of preparing yourself for bed, such as showering, limiting use of technology, reading, meditating, and ultimately winding down for bed

  • Use blackout curtains so you’re not having light exposure

  • Make your bedroom cooler

  • Limiting caffeine at least 6 hours before bed

  • Not eating heavy meals at least 3 hours before bed

  • Limiting or avoiding alcohol – which, contrary to popular belief, while it may seem like it helps you pass out, you don’t enter deep sleep and end up less rested

  • Going to bed earlier

It may not be perfect every night, but prioritizing your sleep just like you would any other aspect of your health is crucial

3. Eating a varied diet

Notice how I’m not saying follow a certain diet? As you go through life, your eating style may stay the same or it may change a lot. But what you should strive for is a diet full of variety.

Variety helps ensure we’re getting different nutrients into the diet, whether that’s macronutrients like protein, fat, and carbohydrates, or micronutrients and phytochemicals.

Variety means making sure you’re eating different vegetables and fruits, different protein sources such as a healthy mix of animal and plant proteins, eating healthy fats such as nuts, seeds, avocados, etc.

By focusing on variety, you’re providing your body with a variety of nutrients it needs.

4. Find ways to manage stress

We all deal with stress, just in different ways and from different things. But chronic stress is one of the biggest issues in our society today that can wreak havoc on our mental and physical health.

Being under a chronic state of stress can lead to our body releasing excess cortisol, which is a hormone naturally produce by the body to help our bodies deal with various stressors. While it’s important for our body’s regular function, if our bodies are always in a state of chronic stress, our “fight or flight” system is kicking into gear too much and too often.

Over time, this can increase stress on our organs and may lead to chronic disease. Making it a goal to manage your stress is critical to your health and quality of life.

Just remember that everyone deals with it differently so you may have to experiment with what works best for you

Some examples include:

  • Exercising or going for a walk

  • Taking a bath

  • Reading a book

  • Talking with a friend or trusted source

  • Playing video games – though, be careful because it can also increase stress too

  • Taking up a hobby

  • Prayer or meditation

Just to name a few Ultimately, learning to manage your stress at a young age – or if you’re older, really at any age it’s beneficial – is going to help you navigate the ups and downs of life a lot better

5. Always try to learn new things

I think after we’re finished school it can be super tempting to never pick up a book or read an article ever again. But remember that you’re capable of learning throughout your whole entire life.

And learning can expand your understanding of yourself and the world around you.

Not only that, but continuing to challenge your brain helps to form new neural pathways, helping to strengthen your brain and potentially even prevent future cognitive decline.

Now, I love to read non-fiction and think it’s a great way to gain insight into different topics but if that’s not for you, here are some other ways to keep learning:

  • Learn a new fitness routine – it challenges our brain, coordination, and muscles

  • Learn a new hobby – not only is it great for our brain and creativity, but it also may help to reduce stress and improve socialization

  • Watch documentaries

  • Go out and talk to new people, learn about their lives, interests, etc.

  • Take a course online or in person

    • For example, I try to take a new online course at least once a year on a subject I’m interested in. If that’s not in your budget, there are so many free YouTube videos and even some universities offer free courses to the public

  • Etc.

By labeling yourself as a lifelong learner, you’ll be so amazed with how capable you are at expanding your mind and your skills

You are never too old to keep learning and should keep your mind open to learning things you never knew were possible!

I hope this article helped give you some useful insight into lifestyle habits that you can start doing in your 20s, 30s, 40s, or really any age.

The key is to add healthy habits into your life, rather than always focusing on taking things away.

To learn more, check out my YouTube video on this topic!


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